Gold Award's in the bag
Shouldn't you credit Lost Garden in there somewhere? (sorry if you did and I missed it)
Anyway, congratulations man, you may just be the first person to win Danc's gold award. This turned out great. The "bird lure" was an excellent touch. I caught it totally by accident.
I think the ocean runs out of big fish a little too fast. It kinda sucks to have caught 4 big fish and then have to go back to the medium lure because you can't find any red guys anymore. Are the fish breeding? (I mean, if you leave them along long enough, do more show up?)
Umm... the fourth buoy was a little hard to reach, though maybe that's just because I was having a hard time with the timing.
Anyways, all in all, great job.
Next I wanna see Play with your Peas ^^